Early in the book, Sandberg tells a story that will ring true with many decision-makers who have the institutional power to quickly solve problems but may not always have access to comprehensive information in a timely manner. 书的开头部分,桑德伯格讲了一则故事,拥有快速解决问题的制度权利却始终无法及时获得充分信息的许多决策者们,对故事的内容肯定会感同身受。
A couple might go into a jewelry store early in their relationship and sit down with a designer who makes a ring that somehow reflects who they are to each other. 比如一对情侣在确定恋爱关系初期,走进一家珠宝店,请一位设计师打造一对能够反映他们当前关系的戒指。
Charles can't leave early in his new job; he has to ring out. 查尔斯的新工作要求不能提早下班,他下班必须打卡。
In the early Roman republic, most were made of iron, gold being reserved for persons of high status; but by the3rd century BC anyone except a slave could wear a gold ring. 在罗马共和国早期主要由铁制成,而金指环只有很高社会地位的人才可佩带。但到了公元前3世纪,除了奴隶以外的任何人都可佩带戒指。
Many and harness and weapons excavated, visible with early when suspended horses or knee ( without the bell ring, have to flag for knee). 多与马具、兵器伴随出土,可见早期当悬于车马或膝(古时无铃为旗,有铃为膝)。
Shangjing area is a volcanic dome formed by volcanic in active Early Cretaceous, in which the volcanic beds are dipping out with ring fracture and subvolcanic bodies intrusion in late stage. 上井地区是一个中生代早白垩世火山穹隆。火山岩岩层围斜外倾,环状断裂发育,晚期有潜火山岩侵位。
And you could often add a mechanical function; an early example would be a Roman ring, which is also a key. 你还可以时常加入机械功能;一个早期的例证是罗马戒指,同时它也是一把钥匙。
In the early period the cells were fluorescent ring shape, and 48 hours later fluorescent granules increased and fluorescence enhanced. No fluorescence was found in cell nucleus. DiI标记后早期细胞形态呈荧光环状,48h后细胞中荧光颗粒增多,荧光增强,细胞核未染荧光。
If we say that Liu Zhenyun's early new realism novels reflect the impact of power culture on the bottom ring of the social ladder, his political novels, on the other hand indicate the effect of power on the middle-level. 如果说,早期刘震云的新写实小说反映了权力文化对社会底层的冲击和影响的话,那么他的官场小说则表现了权力文化对社会中间层面制约。
Analysis on Early Failure of Cylinder Liner and Piston Ring 气缸套和活塞环早期失效原因分析
The paper summarizes the early failure phenomena such as mechanical seal face leakage, terminal face lopsided wearing, sealing ring disintegration and seal ring leakage and analyzes the reasons for these phenomena, which are mainly due to the design and manufacture problems. 概述了机械密封端面泄漏、端面偏磨、密封环碎裂、密封圈泄漏等常见早期失效现象,并分析了产生这些现象的原因,主要是设计制造问题造成的。
The more effective theoretical models had early model of working memory, and the working memory was divided into 3 parts: vision space template, phone ring and central performance system; 较有影响力的理论模型有早期工作记忆模型,它将工作记忆分成3部分,视觉空间模板、语音环及中央执行系统;